News Briefs: CMS Final Guidance on M3P Gives Leeway for Enrollee Identification
Jul 18, 2024
After considering stakeholder feedback on its draft second guidance for the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan, CMS on July 16 released final guidance that gives plans more flexibility around identifying Part D enrollees who are likely to benefit from the M3P. Starting next year, the M3P requires stand-alone Prescription Drug Plans and Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plans to give enrollees the option to pay out-of-pocket prescription drug costs in the form of capped monthly payments versus paying the full amount at the pharmacy. After finalizing its first guidance in February, CMS released a draft of the second installment, with a public comment period that ran from Feb. 15 through March 16. CMS in a July 16 memo to plan sponsors said it received more than 100 responses from a broad range of stakeholders, including patient advocates, data vendors, Part D sponsors and pharmacy benefit managers, and it made several clarifications and changes in response. Those included clarifying that it does not expect Part D plans that exclusively charge $0 cost sharing for covered Part D drugs to all plan enrollees to offer members the option to spread out their OOP costs through the M3P and giving plans the option to send an election request form with the member’s ID card mailing or separately in a different mailing. The agency also will allow plans to develop their own strategies for ongoing outreach during the plan year to enrollees who are likely to benefit from the M3P. CMS on July 16 also released a final set of model and standardized materials to support Part D sponsors in meeting their education, outreach and communications requirements for the program. Read more© 2024 MMIT

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