CMS Dangles Intriguing Opportunity for Institutional Special Needs Plans
Jul 03, 2024
After interest among long-term care providers and Medicare Advantage insurers to partner on Institutional Special Needs Plans plateaued during the COVID-19 pandemic, a somewhat ambiguous provision in a recent CMS final rule has the potential to significantly increase the I-SNP market. By expanding the definition of qualifying facilities that serve institutionalized members, SNP experts say it could reduce current barriers to enrollment and garner interest from assisted living facilities (ALFs), which have largely been shut out of the I-SNP opportunity.
I-SNPs, which were permanently authorized in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, currently restrict enrollment to MA-eligible individuals who meet the definitions of “institutionalized” (i.e., they continuously reside for 90 days or longer in one of several types of long-term care facilities or are expected to need the level of services provided in such a facility) or “institutionalized-equivalent,” meaning they reside in an ALF and get the same level of care they’d receive in a qualifying long-term care facility. Such facilities that currently qualify (as defined by Medicaid or Medicare statute) are skilled nursing facilities, nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, psychiatric hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals or units, long-term care facilities and “swing-bed” (e.g., critical access) hospitals.
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