Panelists Take Stab at Fixing the Medicare Advantage Payment Problem
Jul 19, 2024
Citing a Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) estimate that the government pays about 22% more for Medicare Advantage enrollees than it would if they were enrolled in traditional Medicare, participants in a July 10 panel discussion all agreed that the way MA plans are paid needs to be fixed. However, those panelists — each with ties to MedPAC — had very different views about what those changes should look like, underscoring how difficult it will be to get stakeholders to agree on any reforms even as scrutiny of MA intensifies.
“What’s the diagnosis — in other words, what problem are we trying to solve?” Francis Crosson, M.D., queried during the Virtual Fifth National Medicare Advantage Summit, which was livestreamed from July 9-12. “Is it that the current MA payment methodology is fatally flawed and must be replaced now? Or, MA costs the Treasury too much compared to traditional Medicare? Or, MA costs too much because of a broken risk adjustment process, which if fixed, would solve the cost problem?”
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