News Briefs: Genentech Will Voluntarily Withdraw Gavreto’s RET-Mutant Thyroid Cancer Indication

  • Jul 13, 2023

    On June 30, Blueprint Medicines Corp. revealed that partner Genentech USA, Inc., a member of the Roche Group, will voluntarily withdraw Gavreto’s (pralsetinib) indication for the treatment of people at least 12 years old with advanced or metastatic rearranged during transfection (RET)-mutant medullary thyroid cancer who require systemic therapy. The FDA gave the indication accelerated approval on Dec. 1, 2020. Genentech said the decision, which was made in consultation with the FDA, was not due to new safety or efficacy data but rather due to the “feasibility” of conducting the Phase III confirmatory trial required for full approval. Confirmatory studies to convert the other indications of the kinase inhibitor, all of which have accelerated approval, to full approval are ongoing. Read more
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  • Angela Maas

    Angela has an extensive background of editing, reporting and writing for trade and consumer publications. She has written Radar on Specialty Pharmacy since she joined AIS Health in 2005 and has broad knowledge of the various issues at play within the space. She also has written for Spotlight on Market Access since its 2017 launch. Before joining AIS Health, she was managing editor at Employee Benefit News and Employee Benefit News Canada and managing editor at Hem Aware (a hemophilia publication), Lupus Living and Momentum (a multiple sclerosis publication). She has a B.A. in English and an M.A. in British literature from Arizona State University.

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