With Final RADV Rule Out, MAOs Are Advised to Clean Up Risk Adjustment Practices

  • Feb 02, 2023

    Medicare Advantage organizations may not have gotten the outcome they were hoping for in CMS’s recently finalized Risk Adjustment Data Validation rule, but industry experts say they weren’t surprised by the position CMS ultimately took after years of pressure to close out RADV audits and recover identified overpayments. And while one aspect of the rule could expose it to litigation and further delay CMS’s attempts to collect overpayments from MAOs, experts say plans still would be wise to sharpen their risk adjustment practices in order to limit their audit exposure.

    Issued on Jan. 30 and slated for Federal Register publication on Feb. 2, the final rule pertains to contract-level audits that CMS began conducting more than a decade ago to verify the accuracy of payments made to MA organizations and recover improper payments. The agency in 2012 said it planned to adopt a “fee-for-service adjuster” to account for any impact from unaudited diagnosis codes in FFS data that are used to calibrate the MA risk adjustment model. But in a November 2018 proposed rule (83 Fed. Reg. 54982, Nov. 1, 2018), CMS said its plans to recoup improper payments would not involve an FFS adjuster and that it may apply an extrapolation methodology when finalizing audits dating back to payment year 2011. The RADV provisions of the 2018 proposed rule received pushback from insurers and were never finalized by the Trump administration.

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    © 2024 MMIT
  • Lauren Flynn Kelly

    Lauren has been covering health business issues since the early 2000s and specializes in in-depth reporting on Medicare Advantage, managed Medicaid and Medicare Part D. She also possesses a deep understanding of the complex world of pharmacy benefit management, having written AIS Health’s Radar on Drug Benefits from 2004 to 2005 and again from 2011 to 2016. In addition to her role as managing editor of Radar on Medicare Advantage, she oversees AIS Health’s publications and manages the health editorial staff. She graduated from Vassar College with a B.A. in English.

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