News Briefs: Medicare Advantage-related Marketing Complaints to CMS More Than Doubled From 2020 to 2021
Sep 15, 2022
The number of Medicare Advantage marketing-related complaints submitted to CMS more than doubled between 2020 and 2021, according to a recent report from Axios. Referencing CMS data, the news outlet reported that CMS received approximately 39,600 complaints about the marketing of MA and Part D plans in 2021, compared with about 15,500 in 2020 and an average of 6,000 to 7,000 in prior years. Consumers complained about things like being enrolled without contact from a health plan and misleading information about provider networks. Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Ryden (D-Ore.) last month wrote to 15 states asking for detailed information about such complaints, while CMS has taken steps to tighten oversight of third-party marketing organizations. “While actions to reign in marketing constructs could affect competitive dynamics within MA, we should continue to see robust growth in this end market in totality, with an emphasis on consumer choice, branding, and benefit constructs affecting the competitive landscape moving forward,” observed Citi Research analyst Jason Cassorla. Read more© 2024 MMIT

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