News Briefs: For 2023, UnitedHealth Group Expects Its Overall Medicare Advantage Enrollment to Jump 9%
Dec 01, 2022
UnitedHealth Group at its annual Investor Day projected strong Medicare Advantage membership growth of 9% next year, overall revenues in the range of $357 billion to $360 billion and earnings per share between $24.40 and $24.90. Along with financial projections shared on Nov. 29, the company said it expects to serve a total of 7.1 million MA members by the end of 2022, and estimated that figure will grow by another 600,000 to 650,000 next year. That year-over-year growth of 9% reflects a “blended projection across Individual MA and Group MA books,” wrote Barclays Steve Valiquette in a research note. “As such, we expect that Individual MA growth is likely higher than the blended 9% (likely in the low-double-digit range) which remains slightly above market growth.” He also noted that UnitedHealth’s projected medical loss ratio of 82.6% (give or take 50 basis points) was “slightly more conservative than expected” but not surprising given that the company said its MLR guidance reflects an expectation of a slightly elevated flu season in early 2023. Read more© 2024 MMIT

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