FMO Lawsuits Could Delay Agent and Broker Compensation Rules
Jun 06, 2024
With Medicare Advantage plan bids off to CMS for the 2025 plan year, MA organizations now turn their attention to arrangements with agents and brokers who will sell their plans this fall and the field marketing organizations (FMOs) that support them. But at least three complaints have been filed challenging CMS’s implementation of new provisions that will impact those relationships and take effect Oct. 1.
A central question raised in all three complaints is whether CMS exceeded its regulatory authority by abruptly setting a cap on administrative payments made to agents and brokers by MA organizations that have long been allowed in the MA program. Sources say a delay or additional clarifying guidance could result from at least two of the complaints, which were filed in a federal court with a history of striking down HHS regulations. CMS, meanwhile, is taking the stance that it is following Congress’ orders to ensure a level playing field among plans.
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