Centene Wins Big in Latest Round of Medicaid Contract Awards
May 02, 2024
For Medicaid-focused insurers facing the headwinds of the post-pandemic disenrollment backlog, a contract win can cause a major sigh of relief. That’s particularly true for Centene Corp., the largest managed Medicaid insurer in the U.S., which held onto three state contracts in Michigan, New Hampshire and Florida in recent months. Shares of Centene were up 3.5% following its April 12 win in Florida, where it currently serves 1.46 million members, according to AIS’s Directory of Health Plans (DHP).
Awards from Kansas and Georgia — where Centene is an incumbent — are expected to be announced in the coming weeks. Texas, meanwhile, is in the middle of a procurement process that could mean a plan switch for about 1.8 million beneficiaries. And it could spell the end of Centene’s winning streak. CEO Sarah London at the Barclays Global Healthcare Conference, held in March, said the company was “disappointed” in the scoring of its most recent Texas proposal, and planned to protest any contract loss. “I would say the biggest concern for the program overall is the idea that the results are going to force 1.8 million Medicaid members in Texas, which is a state that has a very high choice rate, to choose a different place,” London continued.
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