Most Payers Have Not Followed Blue Shield of California’s PBM Unbundling Model
Jul 11, 2024
Blue Shield of California caught the attention of the industry last August when it announced a switch to a pharmacy benefits model using five vendors. While some insurers and plan sponsors have considered a similar move following Blue Shield’s revelation, benefits consultants tell AIS Health, a division of MMIT, that most payers continue to have a traditional arrangement where one PBM handles all pharmacy-related activities. They add that Blue Shield’s so-called unbundled approach could be difficult to manage and may not achieve significant cost savings.
A survey released last month from the Pharmaceutical Strategies Group (PSG) found that 72% of health plan respondents had heard about Blue Shield of California’s change. Morgan Lee, Ph.D., PSG’s senior director of research and strategy and one of the report’s authors, noted during a June 18 webinar that the survey was conducted in February and March. As such, “we’ll probably continue to see [awareness of unbundling] increase over time,” Lee said.
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