Report Offers Ways to Fix ‘Hot Mess’ of Health Plan Price Transparency Data

  • Jan 20, 2023

    Although health plans have started to comply with a federal transparency rule that requires them to publicly post reams of information about provider payments, “multiple problems have rendered the published data largely inaccessible and unusable,” according to a new report. 

    The report, produced by Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms (CHIR), is the product of a recent collaboration between a slew of prominent health policy and economics researchers who were convened by CHIR Director Sabrina Corlette. The idea was to develop recommendations that would make the “Transparency in Coverage” regulation more effective in its quest to shine a light on health care cost information. 

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  • Leslie Small

    Leslie has been working in journalism since 2009 and reporting on the health care industry since 2014. She has covered the many ups and downs of the Affordable Care Act exchanges, the failed health insurer mega-mergers, and hundreds of other storylines spanning subjects such as Medicaid managed care, Medicare Advantage, employer-sponsored insurance, and prescription drug coverage. As the managing editor of Health Plan Weekly and Radar on Drug Benefits, she writes and edits for both publications while overseeing a small team of reporters who also focus on the managed care sector. Before joining AIS Health, she was a senior editor for the e-newsletter Fierce Health Payer, and she started her career as a copy editor at multiple local newspapers. She graduated with a dual degree in journalism and political science from Penn State University.

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