Premium Rate Review: A Look at State Authority
Feb 09, 2024
Most states have authority to review premium rates for comprehensive, Affordable Care Act-compliant health plans in the individual and small group markets, while only a few have such authority in the large group market, according to an analysis published by the Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms. Additionally, the analysis found that while a “healthy minority of states” have the authority to question the rates that insurers negotiate with providers and suppliers, many struggle to actually do so.
The ACA, enacted in 2010, established the health insurance rate review program that requires the review and disclosure of “unreasonable” rate increases. As of August 2023, 43 states have authority to review and require changes to or disapprove proposed rates in the individual market, whereas only 26 states had such authority in 2010. Eight states — Arizona, California, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, Texas and Wisconsin — have authority to require insurers to review proposed rates in the individual market, but they cannot require changes or disapprove the rates. Thirty-eight states currently have prior authority over rates in the small group market.
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