Insurer Sees Savings via Partnership With Telenutrition Company

  • Apr 26, 2024

    Chorus Community Health Plans (CCHP) saw significant savings after partnering with telenutrition company Foodsmart, according to a study released by the insurer and company on April 25. CCHP president Mark Rakowski tells AIS Health, a division of MMIT, that the results indicate payers can benefit financially by providing members access to dietitians and tips to improve their eating habits. 

    The study matched more than 3,000 CCHP members who used Foodsmart with a control group. After one year of enrollment in the program, the Foodsmart cohort achieved an average $33 per member per month (PMPM) in net savings. CCHP, a Wisconsin-based insurer, saw $32 PMPM savings among the 2,986 Medicaid beneficiaries in the study and $45 PMPM among the 176 Affordable Care Act exchange enrollees who used Foodsmart.  

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  • Tim Casey

    Tim has been a reporter and editor for newspapers, websites and magazines for more than 20 years, including 10 years covering health care business topics. He has a deep knowledge of the managed care industry and pharmacy benefit management. He also has experience covering medical conferences and clinical and legislative health care issues. In 2014, the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing selected Tim as one of 15 journalists to participate in a national symposium on the Affordable Care Act. Tim has a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Notre Dame and an M.B.A. from Georgetown University.

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