As Hospitals’ Commercial Prices Keep Rising, Experts Float Solutions
May 17, 2024
Hospital and outpatient service prices paid by commercial health plans grew in 2022, reaching a national average of 254% of Medicare’s compensation rate that year, according to RAND Corp. researchers. Experts tell AIS Health that they agree with the study’s conclusions that market consolidation is a key contributor to high prices and that higher costs are not correlated with higher quality. But they also say payers aren’t powerless to stem the tide of rising costs.
According to the May 13 RAND research, which is based primarily off an analysis of commercial claims data from all 50 states and all-payer claims database data in states where it is available, hospital and outpatient prices have grown substantially since earlier versions of the same research was published that studied the 2010s. (For a more detailed look at the RAND data, see this infographic.) In addition, the study concluded that there is a strong correlation between market consolidation and high prices.
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